National Outreach Programme

The Information in this page is updated as of the 40th Sub-Committee on ATIGA Rules of Origin (SC-AROO) Meeting on 28-29 November March 2022.


The Trade Division had an outreach session with local traders on 24 September 2020, to promote awareness of the AWSC scheme and understand better the benefits of it. The session also includes the internal and regional procedures of the AWSC as well as make known of the criteria to be a self-certified exporter. Also, in attendance were representatives from the Royal Customs and Excise Department. 


• Up to date, Cambodia has conducted 3 seminars on AWSC.

 The AWSC Implementation Seminar for Customs Officers was conducted by the General Department of Customs and Excise Cambodia, on 31st December, 2020.

• The AWSC Webinar for Public and Private Sector was conducted by Ministry of Commerce on 28-29 July, 2021.

• The Seminar on Self-issue certification of origin was conducted by Ministry of Commerce on 8th November 2021.

• Cambodia is planning to conduct more outreach programmes within the year of 2022.


• Indonesia conducted a Virtual National Workshop on AWSC on 15 September 2020, attended by 300 exporters across the country, regional issuing offices (IPSKA), and representatives from FTA Centers (Ministry of Trade). Prior to the event, the participants had observed the Regional Workshop organised by the ASEAN Secretariat. The National Workshop was subsequently held to make way for in-depth discussion among Indonesian ATIGA ROO experts, negotiators, and practitioners. 

• Indonesia conducted the 2nd Virtual National Workshop on AWSC on 24 September 2020, with total of 540 participants from exporters across the country, including 13 Certified Exporters under SCPP1, regional issuing offices (IPSKA), and representatives from FTA Centers (Ministry of Trade). This Workshop aims to share about how readiness to implement certified exporters (ES) in the AWSC scheme, regulations and domestic procedural requirements in Indonesia.

• Indonesia conducted the Seminar on Implementation of AWSC in collaboration with PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia on 19 October 2020.

• Indonesia conducted the 3rd Webinar on Trade in Goods Facilitation within the ATIGA framework on 22 October 2020, with total of 170 participants from exporters across the country, regional issuing offices (IPSKA), and relevant ministries/agencies. This event aims to provide information about trade facilities in ASEAN (including the newest facility, AWSC).

• Indonesia conducted the 4th Webinar on Trade in Goods Facilitation within the ATIGA framework on 4 November 2020, with total of 210 participants from exporters for fishery product across the country, regional issuing offices (IPSKA), and relevant ministries/agencies. This event aims to provide information about trade facilities in ASEAN (including the newest facility, AWSC), especially in order to increase fishery product exports to ASEAN.

• Indonesia conducted the Seminar on International Trade Policy and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) which includes the implementation of AWSC in collaboration with Government of Bogor on 16 November 2020.

• Indonesia conducted the Seminar on Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) which includes the implementation of AWSC in collaboration with Government of Bekasi on 18 November 2020 which attended by 150 exporters.

• Indonesia conducted the Focus Group Discussion on Certificate of Origin (COO) which includes the implementation of AWSC on 18 November 2020.

• Indonesia conducted the 5th Hybrid Webinar on Trade in Goods Facilitation on 3 February 2021 in Collaboration with Government of Surakarta, with total of 200 participants. This event to provide information about trade facilities in ASEAN (including the newest facility, AWSC).

• Indonesia conducted a virtual Dissemination of Minister of Finance Regulation related to FTA on 9 October 2020, attended by 100 customs officers and 700 importers. The dissemination aims to provide information about the new minister regulations for each FTA, and to share information on new provisions on each FTA, including AWSC in ATIGA.

• Indonesia conducted a virtual workshop on Rules of Origin in Customs Regional Office of North Sumatera on 8 December 2020, attended by 50 Customs Officers. The aim of the workshop was to provide understanding about Rules of Origin, including new provisions on AWSC.

• Indonesia conducted a virtual Forum Group Discussion (FGD) in Customs Office of Sangatta with PT Kaltim Prima Coal on 28 January 2021, attended by 20 customs officers. The FGD aims to share about about Rules of Origin, including new provisions on AWSC.

• Indonesia conducted a virtual Forum Group Discussion (FGD) on Certificate of Origin (COO) which includes the implementation of AWSC in collaboration with the Government of Tangerang on 30 March 2021.

• Indonesia will conduct training on Rules of Origin virtually on 1 and 5 April 2021, attended by 40 customs officers. Training on Rules of Origin is mandatory for customs officers, which is held 2 - 3 times a year. It provides understanding on Rules of Origin, FTA, including new issues and provisions in FTA, including new provisions on AWSC.

• Indonesia conducted the Training on Rules of Origin which includes the implementation of AWSC in collaboration with the Government of Yogyakarta and IPSKA on 9 April 2021.

• Indonesia conducted the Focus Group Discussion on Rules of Origin which includes the implementation of AWSC in collaboration with the Government of Surabaya and FTA Center on 29 April 2021.

• Indonesia conducted a virtual Forum Group Discussion (FGD) on ASEAN Wide-Self Certification on 7 May 2021 and on 10 June 2021.

• Four (4) programmes by the MoT in July-Oct 2021 for the outreach of the AWSC.


• Lao PDR held a Physical Regional Workshop on AWSC on September 18, 2020, in Savannakhet province (central Laos) with a total of 50 participants, including representatives from relevant government agencies, Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Special Economic Zone and Industrial Park and private sector. The regional workshop aims to increase the understanding and discussion of the new ATIGA ROO program by experts, negotiators and practitioners

• Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC) continues to disseminate information of AWSC on the Trade Repository Website: 

• MOIC developed the AWSC brochure in the Lao version for internal circulation for relevant government and private sectors.

• MOIC has amended the Self-Certification Pilot Project Guidance Ref. No. 0442/MOIC.DIMEX, 2015 and come up with the AWSC Guidance 2020. The hardcopies of the new regulation will be either translated in English version or circulated to relevant sectors as well as posted on

• There are plans to hold many outreach activities by end of this year in apparel with other workshops and meetings which are held by MOIC.     


• The 1st AWSC briefing session to exporters were conducted on 10 September 2020, where the existing Certified Exporters under SCPP1 were briefed on the implementation and procedures of the new self-certification scheme. The session which was held at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) managed to gather the participation of 118 SCPP1 Certified Exporters. From 118 attended, 106 Certified Exporters who have portrayed exemplary performance under SCPP1 and complied with the AWSC conditions and domestic requirements were re-appointed as Certified Exporters after this briefing. 

• The 2nd AWSC briefing session was held virtually on 15 October 2020, involving the remaining Certified Exporters under SCPP1 who have yet to comply with the conditions and domestic requirements under AWSC prior to the 1st session.  51 Certified Exporters were re-appointed as Certified Exporters under AWSC after this briefing.

• Seminar on Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) which includes the implementation of AWSC was also organized by the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) on 2 September 2020 and 12 October 2020 respectively which attended by 102 exporters across Malaysia. 

• MITI organizes monthly Pocket-Talk sessions with exporters on benefits of Malaysia's Free Trade Agreements and method for applying for Certificate of Origin which includes the self-certification scheme. The last Pocket-Talk was held on 9 September 2020 where the implementation of AWSC and its conditions were explained to the participants.

• Royal Malaysia Customs Department (RMCD) had issued a notification to inform the implementation of amended OCP including the implementation of AWSC all customs officers, customs and forwarding agent associations and importer association in September 2021.

• Due to uncertainties of the Covid-19 situation, Malaysia had scheduled all Pocket Talk for the year 2021 to be held virtually until 24 November 2021 to continue helping our exporters to understand the Rules of Origin and encourage them to participate in the AWSC. As of date, 8 Pocket Talk were held virtually on:

24 February 2021

31 March 2021

21 April 2021

28 May 2021

30 June 2021

28 July 2021

25 August 2021

29 September 2021

• Malaysia had organized a course for our state offices on 15 April 2021 in ensuring the AWSC implementation at the state level is streamlined.

 Webinar on the implementation of AWSC to Customs officers were held on 13 January and 2 September 2021 in ensuring the implementation at the state level is streamlined.


 Seminars and workshop on Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) which includes the implementation of AWSC for the year 2021 were organized by the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) on 16 June, 15 and 30 September 2021.


 Malaysia state offices had organized several outreach programs in educating our traders on the implementation of AWSC in Malaysia:

MITI Johor office - 15, 22 and 29 September 2021.

MITI Penang office - 8 October

MITI Kelantan office - 7 October, 2 and 9 November 2021

MITI Sabah office - 10,11 and 13 November 2021

MITI Sarawak office - 21 October 2021

MITI Pahang office - 28 October 2021

• Malaysia is planning to conduct outreach programs to introduce the AWSC Scheme to specific industries. The first batch of targeted group will be the automotive industry and manufacturers with Authorized Economic Operators (AEOs) status appointed under the Malaysia’s AEO Program. However, due to the current Movement Control Order (MCO) situation in Malaysia, the programs are postponed to a later date.

• Malaysia is also planning to conduct outreach programs with other Ministries to introduce the AWSC Scheme. However, due to the current Movement Control Order (MCO) situation in Malaysia, the program is also postponed to a later date.


• Myanmar conducted a Virtual Awareness Program on AWSC on 11th September 2020, with a total of 100 participants, including representatives from the Customs Department and the chamber of commerce and industry. The objective of this awareness program is to have a better understanding of the domestic and regional procedural requirements for the effective implementation of the AWSC Scheme. The contents of the program are HS Classification; ATIGA Rule of Origin and its Operational Certification Procedures; An Overview on Self-certification System; ASEAN-wide Self-certification Scheme and Industrial Product Registration Procedures. 


• Philippines conducted a virtual Outreach Program on the Philippine Implementation on ASEAN-wide Self-Certification Scheme on 28 October 2020. The Outreach Program discussed opportunities in ASEAN and introduction to the ASEAN-wide Self-Certification Scheme. The event was participated by 140 participants from both the government sector and private sector. 

• Philippines conducted a webinar on the “Philippine Implementation of the ASEAN-wide Self-Certification Scheme” on 15 April 2021 which was participated by more than 200 stakeholders. The Webinar outlined the salient features of the AWSC and application procedure on how to become a Certified Exporter.

• Relevant government offices also conducted an AWSC Briefing Session for one company.

• Philippines is also planning to conduct another information session on AWSC within the year.


• Singapore Customs conducted an Outreach Session to almost 120 participants on the implementation of ASEAN Wide Self Certification in July 2020. The Outreach Session was aimed to share how the AWSC is expected to work, and the domestic procedural requirements in Singapore.

• We have also conducted Outreach Session on January and May 2021 through our business council, to encourage more companies to adopt AWSC. 


• Thailand conducted a national workshop on AWSC on 19 August 2020. At the event, 161 exporters attended physically, 244 exporters attended through Facebook Live. Moreover, Thailand will hold another workshop on AWSC in November 2020.

• Thailand already conducted the AWSC Roadshow at two industrial parks on 9 and 16 September 2020, attended by 100 exporters. In addition, Thailand plans to conduct the AWSC Roadshow at the industrial park every three months.

• For the purpose of importation, Thai customs also conducted seminars on 13-14 August 2020 and 14 September 2020, attended by 330 importers and relevant private sectors including 80 customs officers in total. The seminars aimed to introduce the implementation of AWSC and the new ATIGA OCP for comprehensive understanding among practitioners.  

• Thailand published AWSC video clip.

Update as of the 35th SC-AROO Meeting

• The Competent Authority of Thailand designated to authorised CEs has conducted AWSC workshop on 19 December 2020. However, due to the new wave of COVID-19 outbreak in Thailand, subsequent AWSC seminar planned to be held in January 2021 was cancelled. Therefore, we plan to conduct AWSC seminar via electronic/online media with exporters in April 2021 to promote the utilisation of AWSC scheme.

• In the meanwhile, Thai customs also conducted seminars regarding implementation of the new ATIGA OCP in November 2020, attended by 720 relevant private sectors. Furthermore, the virtual workshop for 120 frontline officers will be held in March 2021, which aims for discussion on any issues arisen from implementation of the new ATIGA OCP.

Updates as of 36th SC-AROO

• On 8 June 2021, The Customs Department conducted an online seminar on AWSC Scheme, attended by 380 private sectors, which aim for comprehensive understanding and discussion on implementation issues of AWSC. 

• The Department of Foreign Trade (DFT) will hold online seminars entitled "Enhancing Exporters' Competency by utilising Self-Certification of Origin" through DFT's Facebook Live on 21 and 30 July 2021 and 20 September 2021, aiming to publicise trade benefits of using Self-Certification of Origin and demonstrate the use of Self-Certification of Origin system.

Updates as of 37th SC-AROO


• The Customs Department continuously conducted the virtual outreach programs on AWSC for private sectors on 21 July 2021 attended by 100 private sectors and on 2 October 2021 attended by 380 private sectors respectively.


• The Department of Foreign Trade (DFT) held online seminars:

entitled “Enhancing Exporters’ Competency by Utilising Self-Certification of Origin” on 21 July 2021 (260 participants);

entitled “Enhancing Exporters’ Competency by Utilising Self-Certification of Origin 30 July 2021 and 20 September 2021 in collaboration with the industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (400 participants)


• In addition, the DFT representative joined online seminars as speaker to publicise ASEAN Wide Self-Certification on 6 May 2021, 30 August 2021 and 9 September 2021 (265 participants).

Updates as of 38th SC-AROO

· The Customs Department conducted an online seminar on 23 November 2021, attended by 200 private sectors, and further hold outreach sessions, attended by 844 private sectors and 521 customs officers which aim for comprehensive understanding and discussion on implementation issues of AWSC.

Updates as of 40th SC-AROO

· The Customs Department conducted a virtual seminar on 17 and 20 September 2022 for 200 private operators, which aimed to enhanced knowledge of ROO including the AWSC shceme and discuss any implementation issues arising from a claim for a preferential tariff treatment under focusing FTAs. 

Viet Nam

• Viet Nam had some meetings with the private sector on the content of the revised ATIGA OCP related to the AWSC in 2020. 

• In 2021, Viet Nam is planning to open more workshops to encourage more companies in joining the AWSC scheme as Certified Exporters.

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